Sociopath: John Wayne Gacy As A Serial Killer

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When people hear the word “Sociopath,” theyat automatically think about serial killers like John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, or Ted Bundy. These men were notorious sociopaths. Although just because someone is a sociopath it does not always make them a murderer. Sociopathy is an informal term used to describe antisocial behavior. According to The Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), sociopathy is closely represented by Antisocial Personality Disorder. When the term “antisocial behavior” is used, it usually is not talking about someone who does not want to hang out with a friend or go somewhere with their family. It is associated with an individual who has no interest in having relationships with people. They can form …show more content…

There are many sociopaths that are famous for just being a sociopath. But not too many people know about them. Most people know people like John Wayne Gacy. Gacy was one of the most unexpected people to turn out to be such a disgusting person. Everyone in town loved Gacy. He performed at children’s birthday parties as “Pogo the Clown”. He was very well known. What people did not know was that he was a sociopath because he hid it so skillfully, and he just so happens to be one of the most famous sociopaths to every walk the earth. In the 1970’s he killed and raped over thirty young men and boys. He hid most of them in the crawl space under his house. Ted Bundy is another notorious serial killer. He was an attractive, charming, intelligent young man who lived in Seattle in the 70’s. He would lure women in using his charm, and then he would rape then beat them to death. He was also known as a necrophiliac. He admitted to slaying 36 women, but experts believe that the final count was around one hundred. There is also Jeffrey Dahmer who is also very well known. There have been many books and movies about him and based off the story. Dahmer murdered seventeen males between 1978 and 1991. Over the course of more than thirteen years, Dahmer sought out men at bars, malls, etc. and then lured them home with promises of money or sex, and gave them alcohol laced with drugs before strangling them to death. He would then engage in sex acts with the bodies before dismembering them, disposing of them, and sometimes eating them. He often keeped their skulls or genitals as souvenirs. He frequently took photos of his victims at various stages of the murder process, so he could recollect each act afterward and relive the experience. Dahmer was captured in 1991 after one of his potential victims

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