Sports Performance P1

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P1 P2 M1 D1 Know the effect of personality and motivation on sports performance Personality: Identity in games can be characterized in a various courses, for case, Personality is the way the individual or competitor acts towards the game. I trust that the individual's identity can affect the competitors brandishing execution. The explanation behind this is on the grounds that if the competitor's identity is negative, then he/she won't be resolved to buckle down in preparing and rivalries. Mario Balotelli Is a case of an expert footballer that has a poor state of mind and identity and this is the reason he experienced a phase and a stage where he was not executing and in addition he ought to have. This lead to him getting left on the seat and …show more content…

The trait theory additionally recommends that there are two sorts of individuals. Contemplative people and outgoing people (introverts and extroverts). Introverts: • Introverts tend to be shy, quiet and don’t really share opinions. The trait theory tells us that introverts do not actively seek excitement, they prefer calm/ quiet environments, they prefer tasks which consist of great concentration and they also dislike the unexpected. Introverts regularly play sports which don’t consist of team work and competitive situations. Introverts play individual sports or activities. The sports which introverts may play or take part in are things like golf which needs a fair bit of concentration and is an individual sport. Another example is snooker which again takes high concentration and time to line up your shot and is not a team game. The athletics is a popular place to see introverts they like to take part in marathon’s and 100m sprints because it is an individual sport. BUT not all introverts play individual sports. An example of someone who I would class as an introvert but plays football which is a team game which includes a lot of team work is Paul Scholes. He is quiet but when it comes down to playing football he is one of the best footballers …show more content…

Extroverts are the type of people who are outgoing and loud. Extroverts also tend to me more confident and like to show off. The trait theory also tells us that extroverts get bored quickly, are poor at tasks which require a lot of concentration seek excitement and change, less responsive to pain and are more successful in sporting situations. Extroverts prefer sports like football and rugby because they involve team work and hard work. They prefer sports which are fast paced and exciting and which sometimes include aggression. Some examples of people who play these games are Steven Gerrard Liverpool’s captain. As captain he has to be an extrovert with confidence to lead his team to victories. He is loud, aggressive and demanding which is what is needed. An example of an extrovert who played an individual sport is Mohammed Ali. He was very confident loud and aggressive but played an individual sport. Social learning theory: This hypothesis proposes that our identity is not a steady trademark. Furthermore, it can always show signs of change because of the general population we are around and associate with. Our identity likewise changes because of the progressions id social circumstances. It also makes the point that we are highly unlikely to behave in the same way when we are in a sporting situation and in a non-sporting situation. It also suggests that we learn in sporting situations through two different ways which are modelling and

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