Space Exploration Persuasive Essay

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Exploring into the vast lands of the universe used to be something people would put into movies and books- it was science fiction. Now with the developments in science and technology we have seen around the world, space exploration has become a reality. We have put a man on the moon, created an International Space Station for astronauts to live, and discovered other planets and galaxies millions of lightyears away. These are monumental achievements for the human race and I believe that there are a significant amount of benefits that we can gain from further space exploration. However, I also believe that there are many cons associated with space exploration. It is no secret that we will eventually run out of Earth’s natural resources. Additionally, …show more content…

To simply put a single pound of material into an orbit near Earth costs around $10,000. The International Space Station alone costed around $100 billion. In total, since NASA’s creation in 1958, NASA has spent over $900 billion. That equates to about $16 billion each year. With all of the economic issues and debt that we face today, I do not believe that we should continue to fund space exploration to the extent that we do. I still believe that we should continue to work towards expanding our space missions, but I suggest we spend less money in this area than before. We put more money and energy into exploring space than we do in exploring our own oceans. I believe we should learn everything there is to know about our own world before we go off spending hundreds of billions of dollars on exploring other worlds. Over 70% of our Earth is made of oceans yet we know next to nothing about their depths. Additionally, we need to spend this extra money in trying to remedy the inflation, budget deficits, and other economic issues that our country is faced with today. Space exploration has its benefits but the opportunity costs suggest that the money should be spent

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