Persuasive Essay On Space Exploration Program

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NASA has made great advancements, we continue to explore the vast solar system filled with magnificent sights. There is so much more out there, from black holes to some of the biggest stars coming to the end of their life cycle. With all this out there waiting for us why don't we pursue all the possibilities out there, all the knowledge and advancements we’d gain would be significant. We must continue to fund these space exploration projects to see all that there is to see. We would discover there’s more to space than we think maybe more the the life cycle of a star or more to nuclear fusion. It's important that we expand and explore to find a new planet, one day this planet will die and we need somewhere to go and something to do, if our species wish to live on. Its also paying off in many other ways. Technological advancements you see today like your phone was possible through space exploration even though you may not think of it. The space programs have made huge advancements in our world such as more fire resistant clothing and, car interior. We went from having a 70 pound micro computer with just 40 KB of memory (Less than a GB, Less than a MB(Which is 100 times smaller than a GB) so it's 40/1000 of a MB) Today we have 1 TB(1000 GB) flash drive the size of your thumb in just about 40 years. Allowing us to miniaturize …show more content…

Things such as unique elements, other planets/stars, how stars work(Nuclear Fusion through helium and hydrogen), predicting possible futures for the earth's life span, and more. The list is almost infinite, we’d be a completely different society without these advancements, things such as the selfie, instagram, snapchat, the ability to store data microscopically, etc. A new world with a longer life span not looking to be absorbed by an expanding sun or a moving moon would aid our species in a longer

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