Sodium Thiosulphate And Hydrochloric Acid

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Science lab report

Aim: To find out the effect of concentration on rates of reaction using Sodium Thiosulphate. and Hydrochloric Acid. The purpose of the experiment is to see how different volumes of Hydrochloric Acid affect the rate of reaction. The reaction, which produces solid Sulfur, it will then be followed by measuring the time needed for the reaction to become opaque/cloudy.

Hypothesis: I predict that the higher the volume of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid the less time it will take for the cross to disappear. This experiment has to do with the Collision theory. The collision theory is “For a chemical reaction to occur, the reactant particles must collide. But collisions with too little energy do not produce a reaction.The particles …show more content…

Label the beakers: Sodium Thiosulphate, Hydrochloric acid: 20%, Hydrochloric acid:60%, Hydrochloric acid: 80% and Reaction.
Use cylinders for the solution and water, measure and add the required amounts of sodium Thiosulphate and distilled water to each beaker. Be as accurate as possible.
With a marker draw a large “X” on a piece of paper and keep this piece of paper for later in the experiment.
Prepare the Sodium Thiosulphate solution. Calculate 20% of Sodium Thiosulphate using the measurement 450ml.
Prepare solution of Hydrochloric acid. Calculate 80% of water and 20% of Hydrochloric acid for a solution of 150ml in total. Stir the solution in the beaker labeled “ Hydrochloric acid: 20%”. Leave it on the side.
Prepare solution of Hydrochloric acid. Calculate 40% of water and 60% of Hydrochloric acid for a solution of 150ml in total. Stir the solution in the beaker labelled “ Hydrochloric acid: 60%”. Leave it on the side. Add water to the solute, this solution should be in the beaker labeled “Sodium Thiosulphate”. Stir this solution until it is completely …show more content…

Calculate 20% of water and 80% of Hydrochloric acid for a solution of 150ml in total. Stir the solution in the beaker labeled “ Hydrochloric acid: 80%”. Leave it on the side.
Pour 50ml of sodium Thiosulphate in the beaker labelled “Reaction”
Now place the “X” under the beaker labelled “Reaction”
Pour 50ml of “Hydrochloric acid: 20%” to “Reaction”
Start timing
Stop timing when the “X” is no longer visible. Record the reaction time in seconds in the data table.
For it to be fair, repeat the reaction thrice with the same concentrations and measurements.
Always rinse the beaker “Reaction” after each test. Repeat steps 7-15 for all percentages ( 60%, 80%,). Remember to do thrice.
Clean up, and wash all science lap equipments and put them into place.
Once you have your results, re-write them properly and plot the reactions rates on a line graph. After that you will have to look for what pattern and trends you see in this experiment, describe and analyse the

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