Social Media Addiction Rhetorical Analysis

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Does social network lower yourself esteem or encourage you to be yourself? Social networking is not good for society because it ruins you from living in the present, leads to potential risk of addiction and can cause us to disconnect for everyone around. It can helps us to express our thoughts on how we feel and help us to raise awareness to certain sickness or something bad that is happening in the world. Although it may help you to express how you feel and help you to interact with others it can also tear you away from society causing you to be depressed if someone dislikes something you post. People may start to find the real world boring because of all these new technology with can be very hazardous for the future generation. …show more content…

As Kerry Coppinger states that “According to The Daily mail, the average person reaches for his or her phone at about 7:31 a.m. each morning”. “It’s all fun and Harmless, and not totally destructive to our daily lives, right?” In this statement Coppinger is using a sarcastic tone so she means this opposite so she is saying that yes it's destructive to our daily lives. She is also saying how people make it a priority to check their phone in the morning. Some people may say that social media may help us to interact with others and help you with your daily lives. As Christine Greenhowmay say that students are developing a positive attitude towards using technology system. “ What we found was that students using social networking sites are actually practicing the kinds of 21rst century skills we want them to develop to be successful today”. Greenhow is saying that students are using social media for positive things and research has been proven that. She is also saying that students are developing only positive attitude towards using technology. I disagree with all her reasons because not everyone uses social media in a positive way , not all students will just practice 21rst century skills and not get addicted and overwhelmed by social media. “It may be possible that young people who have no experience of a world without online societies put less value on their real world identities and can therefore be

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