Social Media Butterflies May Not Be Such A Bad Idea Analysis

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Before technology was so advanced, I would spend hours talking in the phone. Things have changed, and now I don’t spend most of the day talking in the phone but texting my friends and family. Many people, in fact most of the world does the same now a day. In my opinion, I agree with Hilary Stout’s argument “Antisocial Networking?” as well as “Teenage Social Media Butterflies May Not Be Such a Bad Idea” by Melissa Healy. Social Media may be helpful sometimes, but they do bring many disadvantages and dangers to those who use them. To begin, “Teenage Social Media Butterflies May Not Be Such a Bad Idea” by Melissa Healy, talks about social medias advantages and parental worries. Many people like parents may say Social Medias are helpful or they are a bad influence for our new generation. Some advantages said in …show more content…

Where kids do stray dangerous territory with strangers it is generally knowingly, in chat rooms and online forums intended for adults" (Teenage Social Media Butterflies May Not Be Such a Bad Idea 3). This quote says that although kids know that going into the places they shouldn't we go, they go there anyway and increase the risk of danger. On the contrary, Hillary Stout’s argument “Antisocial Networking?” talks about how today's technology has changed not only in devices but the human race as well. In this passage, it gives an example saying "Today's youths are missing out on experiences the help them develop empathy for others understand different emotions and recognize the meaning of facial expressions and body language” (Antisocial Networking? 19) which means kids are spending most of the time only on technology when they can gain important experience of the world that will help them in the future. The passage also says “With children's technical obsessions starting at ever younger ages- even kindergarteners play side by side on laptops during playdates- their brains may eventually be rewired and those skills will fade further” (Antisocial

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