Analysis Of Scope's Is Technology Killing Our Relationships

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Did you know that an emoji is only one-sixth the emotional support in comparison to a hug? Obviously technology isn’t as socially supportive as we think. Technology leaves little time for others, and does not let people form more profound relationships with others. Technology makes us less sociable daily, killing our friendships. To begin with, Scope’s “Is Technology Killing Our Friendships?” By Lauren Tarshis states that “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual worlds, this leaves little time for our real-world relationships...” People think that they are constantly connecting with others on social media when in fact they are doing the opposite. Checking phones constantly only proceeds to dim the real world. People who are always …show more content…

People put all their attention and time into their virtual worlds which leads to missing important connections with others. The text also says that “Research shows that virtual-world friends provide mostly bridging social capital,while real-world friends provide bonding social capital.” On social media people are only surface-level friends with others; they are not true friends. However, when someone makes a real-world connection with someone else, they get to experience bonding on a deeper level. Maintaining deeper friendships can help you have close connections with others later in life. Furthermore, it is thought that social media lets humans connect with others and have more friends than those in the real world. However, this is not always true. People worry about their online worlds and whether people will like them. Online, people are more judgemental than real world friends, which can lead to a low self-esteem. The article “YES: Connecting Virtually Isn’t Like Real-World Bonding” by Larry Rosen states that “...our constant need to check comes from anxiety…” Obviously, technology has a negative effect on people as far as lower self-esteem and

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