Social Anxiety And Wrong Diagnosis Essay

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Social Anxiety/Wrong Diagnosis Social anxiety is fear of interacting and being ostracized by other people. People with social anxiety are self-conscious; and they often avoid others. Because they fear being judged negatively by others, they have feelings of inferiority, in adequacy, and embarrassment. These feelings can lead to depression. People suffering from social anxiety form rejection sensitivity and feel that they have no social acceptance. Social anxiety is much more common than thought to be in the past. It is estimated to be the third largest psychological disorder in the country. The other two disorders being alcoholism and depression. Statistics show that 7% of the country suffers from social anxiety (Richards, Thomas A. Ph.D. …show more content…

Being the center of attention would be painful, meeting people would be difficult, and any interpersonal relationships are a lot of stress. The symptoms are blushing, racing heart, intense fear, excessive seating, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, muscle twitches, and trembling. People with social anxiety know that their reactions are not rational but believe and feel differently. There has been much progress with recovery utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Therapy using cognitive methods, strategies, and concepts that allow the brains neural pathways to change (Richards, Thomas A. Ph.D. 2). Social anxiety develops over time because we learn how to be afraid of situations gradually and repetitively. When the brain learns how to be anxious, it is called cognitive structuring. We are not born with social anxiety, there is no gene for this condition; we remember situations from a very young age. As we learn new things such as languages, playing music; the more we practice the more the new neural pathway grows (Social Anxiety 1). Changing social …show more content…

* Clinical depression * manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder) * panic disorder * schizophrenia, all types * schizoid personality disorder * schizotypal personality disorder * attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

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