Skimming And Slavery Research Paper

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Skimming Lesson / “Farmworkers and Slavery” (30 minutes) Materials: Skimming handout, “Farmworkers and Slavery” article -Tell students that were are going to discussing and practicing Skimming, 1) which is an important active reading tool to help focus their reading; 2) help find the topic/ main idea/ “Big Idea (s)”; and 3) useful tool when they’re assigned multiple readings for their credit bearing classes What is Skimming? What are the steps? -Ask Class: “What is Skimming? Who uses skimming?” Skimming Steps -Ask class to help you list the steps (Write the steps on the board) -Read the title -Read the first sentence of every paragraph -Read the final paragraph Model Skim -Read title: “Farmworkers and Slavery” (Ok, so I am looking

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