Sitting Bull Research Paper

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Sitting Bull is a Dakota Indian chief, of the Sioux tribes and also is a Warrior, Military Leader. Sitting Bull, born in 1831, Grand River, South Dakota. His parents’ names are, Jumping Bull (father) and (mother) Her-Holy-Door. He was named Jumping badger at birth. Although, he showed a lot bravery, courage of riding, which’d been witnessed by his tribe. Once he returned to his village, jumping bull celebrated a feast for his son. The name (Tatanka Iyotake), in the Lakota language means "Buffalo Bull Sits Down”, which was later shortened to “Sitting Bull”. At the ceremony before the whole tribe, also Sitting Bull's father presented him with an eagle feather to wear in his hair, a warrior's horse, and a hardened buffalo hide to set his son's journey into manhood. During the War in 1862, Sitting Bull's people weren’t involved, were coupled groups of eastern Dakota killed about 800 soldiers in Minnesota. In 1864, two large body of troop’s soldiers under General Alfred Sully attacked their village. The contest took a legal charge that was led by Sitting Bull and driven the Lakota and Dakota people out.
Also, couple years later in 1866, the leader of the Oglala …show more content…

In 1871 the Northern Pacific Railway conducted a survey for a route through Hunkpapa lands, which the same railway returned following federal troops. Sitting Bull and the tribe Hunkpapa attacked the survey party, which turned back on them with force. Later In 1873, Sitting Bull's resisted the survey strongly which lead to bankruptcy. The construction of the railroad through Lakota, Dakota Territory came to a stop. After mining in the territories, which provided them in finding gold and caused uprising gains of wealth from it. That caused attention to men like, Col. George Custer who led an expedition to explore the Black Hills for gold. Also announcing that black hills was a gold rush caused tension between Lakota people and the

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