Similarities Between The Most Dangerous Game And The Interlopers

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There are many similar between Zaroff and Gradwitz. Zaroff and Gradwitz both enjoyed hunting on their land. They both hunted human on their own land. In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game” and Saki’s “The Interlopers,” the main characters General Zaroff and Ulrich von Gradwitz are alike in the following ways: both me hunted on his own land, both men hunted, and both men owned land. Zaroff and Gradwitz both hunted humans. Zaroff hunted humans on his own island, while Gradwitz hunted in his forest that he owned. Zaroff only hunted humans that came to his island. Gradwitz hunted his enemy if they came to his land. The two guys both hunted humans on their own land. Zaroff and Gradwitz both hunted humans on their own

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