Rainsford's Greed Quotes

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When world renowned hunter, Sanger Rainsford ends up marooned on an island, he finds himself in an unimaginable word. A world full of murder. He must find a way to save himself and the ones around him. Rainsford is the lesser of two evils he may have a passion for hunting but unlike General Zaroff he has limits, Rainsford kills Zaroff to save himself and many future victims. Rainsford is known for his extravagant hunting skills, even General Zaroff speaks of Rainsford as is if he has inspired him to become a hunter. Rainsford talks about hunting with passion, while he is speaking to Whitney he tells her it’s “the best sport in the world” (19). Rainsford has no guilt when he kills animals, he even tells Whitney that it’s nonsense when she mention the jaguars have feeling. But Rainsford shows immediate disgust when Zaroff brings up his hunting of humans, “hunting, great heavens, what you speak of is murder” (26). This only the first of many times that he reacts with great displeasure. …show more content…

Zaroff is extremely pleased when he gets to host Rainsford at his house, as if it's an honor to host this world renowned hunter in his home. He is so pleased when he has the chance to tell Rainsford about his new hunting style. “Dear me. Again with that unpleasant word. But I think I can show you that your scruples are quite ill founded” (26). Zaroff believes that he can change Rainsfords view on his hunting style when he reacts immediatly with great disgust. Rainsford has invested loads of money into this, “game” he has created for himself. He has a dozens of of people locked up in cellar for future hunts, he even has a system to maroon ships on his

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