Similarities Between 'Everyday Use And Los Vendidos'

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Events Happening during the 1960’s The short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and the drama “Los Vendidos” by Luis Valdez both are during the 1960’s. Luis Valdez was born and raised to a migrant farm worker family. As well as in the play, it is meant to entertain and raise awareness in the lives of different social classes. Also, to inform the public of the stereotypes and prejudices that were applied to the Chicano experience. Alice walker, the author of the drama “Everyday Use” was active in Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s. The purpose of the drama was to express and explore the traditional versus the progressive attitudes of young African American females. In the drama, Ms. Johnson is uneducated but uses sophisticated diction to …show more content…

In the short story “Everyday Use” Dee hated her house and everything that had to do with her heritage. Once she comes back she decides to take pictures of the house to show them off to friends. She also wanted the quilts that she had refused before. But now she wants them because she knows she can show them off to her friends and wants to display them by hanging them up. There are many differences between Maggie and Dee. One main difference is that Dee perceives the quilt as an ordinary quilt, one artifact that she can have of her culture. Maggie on the other hand, perceives the quilt as both a product and a process. As stated in the story, Maggie thinks quilts should be put to “everyday use” rather than to hang them up on a wall so they can be decoration (Walker). In the drama“Los Vendidos” it is ironic how the play ends. The “models wake up and they all chase Miss Jimenez out of the store. The “models” then begin to converse among each other revealing that they are real people not robots. They carry Honest Sancho out, revealing that Sancho is the real robot in the drama. The salesperson ends up being the model and everyone else are human beings. They are the ones taking over the store and running everything. It shows how Honest Sancho is not being honest since he is the actual model. He represents a balance between the mainstream and the origin

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