Similarities Between Animal Farm And The Truman Show

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George Owell’s Animal Farm and Peter Weirs Truman Show both have similar but different themes. This essay will explain that power of the stronger characters is fuled by the ignorance of the weaker characters. That you can only have happiness or freedom never both, that the idea of utopia is different in both texts. Power of the stronger characters in both texts is fuled by the ignorance of the weaker chacters. In Animal Farm the animals are too ignorant of the evil pigs that they followed their every word. This is evident when they change the commandments from “no animal shall sleep in a bed” to “no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” They accepted it because “it was there on the wall.” The animals where so exploited by their ignorance at the end of the book, that the pigs had ultimate power over the animals. Similarly in the Truman show Christof had power over Truman. Christof throughout the film tries to keep Truman ignorant taming Truman’s curiosity, through methods of fear like dogs and water. Christof was trying to make Truman “accept the reality of the world” so Truman could remain ignorant. The difference between Truman show and animal farm that Truman’s curiosity led to his freedom, and in Animal Farm there was very little curiosity. In both texts, it …show more content…

Utopia in animal farm is where everyone has a job purpose and belongs. Boxer the worker pigs the leaders. However in the Truman show everyone is at arm’s length but happy. Truman lives in Sea Haven a place that represents certainty and safty. He lives in good marriage friendship and work that is constructed to make him not want to leave. With every spark of doubt that Truman has is extinguished with a disguised truth like when his colleague waves a newspaper reading “Sea Haven best place on earth”. Truman rejects the propaganda. In Animal Farm utopia is never achieved but in Truman show it is slowly deconstructed to pave the way for the

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