Loss Of Power In Animal Farm

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Viridiana Ildefonso 10/20/15 Center 2: writing Power is like alcohol or drugs, it’s an addiction and it’s hard to quite it and then there is this fear of losing it. John Steinbeck once said “Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts…Perhaps the fear of a loss power.” What this quote means is that when someone has power they are not corrupted but once they feel threaten about losing power they would do anything to keep it. That’s when they get corrupted because they are blinded by the fear and are capable of doing anything to keep it and have more power. Some examples for this quote would be to a novel title Animal Farm by George Orwell. Also it can connect to the universal theme of power and loss and finally it can connect to a history by the …show more content…

Dictatorship is about power and having control over a country and be able to control all the people in it and be able to control what they believe and what they do. For example, Adolf Hitler he was the dictator of Germany and he was a very cruel one and killed many Jews. But he didn’t just kill Jews he killed anyone that disagreed with him and did not fit his perfect image that he had. Once he started saw that he was losing power her started killing even more people and he became more corrupt and he tried everyone to stay in power. Just like in the quote having the feeling of losing something changes who you are. In conclusion, John Steinbeck once said “Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts…Perhaps the fear of a loss power.” What he means by this is that once someone feel threaten about losing power they would do anything to keep it. Some examples that would connect to this quote would be the book title “Animal Farm”. The universal themes of power and loss and finally to a history event of dictatorship. Power might not make someone become corrupted but it does change who someone is and it’s an addiction that can make someone do unspeakable

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