Balance Your Day Job Essay

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You want to successfully balance your day job with your side business. The good news is that it can be done! But it may not be easy; scratch that, it will not be easy.

Building a business on the side of your day job is tough for a variety of reasons. You not only need to develop superhuman time management skills, but you must also learn to manage your emotions as well.

This means keeping meltdowns to a minimum. It means not comparing yourself to others who are further along in their journey than you are (try learning from the experiences they can share instead!).

If you want to achieve your dreams to balance a full-time day job and a business on the side, it takes work. And this means absolutely no whining about having to work hard, you …show more content…

1.Understand that your full-time job still requires attention and energy.

Yes, you will have to work hard. If you’re like most of us who haven’t made the switch, you’re holding down a full-time day job as you slowly nurture your side hustle into a side business.

No matter how badly you want to ignore your day job in favor of your new side business, you still have to give it the time it deserves. You need to develop the skills to cope with your day job, even when all you want to do is quit and focus only on your own work.

It’s time to learn how to deal with your day job when all you really want to do is focus on building a side business.

2.Don’t let your day job suffer for your business and vice-versa

You won’t survive if you’re not passionate about what you’re creating. But losing the drive for performing well in your day job can kill your self-employment dream just as fast.

I know. As a budding entrepreneur, this is not what you want to hear. The reality is, your day job is necessary to your future success as a self-employed business …show more content…

In other words, you don’t have to pimp out your creativity in order to make a buck. You may carry a heavy workload, but that burden is preferable to dealing with crushing debt and other money problems.

Money isn’t everything, but smart business owners know financial security is important to success in other areas of life.

3.Ensure you don’t just go through the process, grow through it.

Managing a day job alongside a side business provides better lessons than business school. You’ll learn a lot as you launch your own career and create your own opportunities.

“If you can survive a few months as both an employee and your own boss, you can handle anything once you officially work for yourself full-time.”

If you’re at the point where you you’re working two jobs (one for someone else and one for yourself), think of this as your transition phase. Right now, your day job is serving as a bridge between two important pieces of your career. Your success lies in crossing that bridge and ensuring you do not jump off of it as soon as you come to it.

4.Ensure your day job and side hustle are

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