Should Student Athletes Be Drug Tested In Sports Essay

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In many schools across the country, administrators are struggling to keep up the funds to even keep a sports program going. Did you know that a regular drug test for one person costs around twenty dollars? Try multiplying that by amount of team members on each sports team, freshman, junior varsity, and varsity. Student athletes should not be drug tested for sports because it would cost too much money to test every athlete, it will not stop the use of drugs, and lastly it is very unlikely that the students even have access to the drugs. If schools were to drug test every student athlete it would cost way too much money to only find one or two of the athletes to be doing the drugs. For example, in an article about teens and drug use it is stated …show more content…

For instance, “Drug testing still is found not to be associated with students' reported illicit drug use—even random testing that potentially subjects the entire student body.” (Nelson). Students that are being drug tested will stay addicted to the drugs they are taking. If a teenager gets into bad enough drugs they will have zero desire to stop doing the drug(s). If someone does not have the passion or does not want to stop doing the drug then they will not, they will continue to do it til it doesn’t feel the same anymore. The student will need therapy or some professional help before they get into the really bad drugs that will have a 100% chance of ruining their life. In addition to drug testing not being associated with students, “While some of the opposition to student drug testing is moral or philosophical, opponents also cite various studies showing that drug testing has no impact on student drug use rates or even that it has a negative impact.” (Nelson). This quote shows that the impact of how drug testing affects teens and how it mainly doesn’t phase them at all. A teen will most likely just go back to the drug they were doing after the test because they just don’t

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