Should Of Mice and Men be a banned book? by jack dewald

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The book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is an amazing and educational book, but some people think it should be banned! In this book two migrant workers named George Milton and Lennie Smalls travel together in the 1930s looking for work. Lennie has a mental disability that causes him to act as if he was a child. George is Lennie’s friend that takes care of him and helps him with finding work. George and Lennie leave from a town called Weed to find work as ranch hands in the Salinas Valley. The men share the dream of owning a farm house and their own land some day. When they get their new jobs they meet the other workers named Candy, Slim, Carlson, Crooks, the bosses son named Curley, and Curley’s wife. Then their dream seem like it is closer than ever…until something makes it disappear completely. As you can see this book is very interesting, so i believe that this book should not be banned. The banning of the book Of mice and Men would be a terrible thing to do because the book has a lot of information to teach to its readers. The book can teach the readers about migrant workers in 1930 and how they had to travel far just to find a low paying job on a ranch. The book could also teach readers about how migrant workers had very little personal belongings because they had to travel everywhere and they had to the carry a bindle with only necessities in it because they couldn’t bring a big suitcase. “George undid his bindle and brought out three cans of beans.” (Steinbeck 10). Also if the book was banned, I think that kids wouldn't realize that migrant workers had no permanent home and had many different jobs in their life. A second reason why banning the book Of Mice and Men would be bad idea is because the book is very well writte... ... middle of paper ... ...n that the book is ban-worthy. If people are so concerned with vulgar words then they should try banning the dictionary! Another reason people want to ban this book is because of the racism towards the African-American stable buck named Crooks. Steinbeck wanted his story to be true to history and seem realistic to the time period. Considering all of this, Of Mice and Men should not be a banned book because it provides readers with information that they can use in school or for later in life. Another thing is that John Steinbeck makes readers enjoy the book with details that bring you inside the story. Also because banning a book that contains euthanasia is not necessary because having something suffer would be much worse. Lastly Steinbeck’s book helps people understand the disabilities that people have. Don’t let this great book rot away with the other banned books!

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