Short Story- The Deep Sleep

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When he first awoke from Deep Sleep it was to a startle. Not one of terror but of memory. He had not known he still remembered this time, when things were. The thoughts of Ella lying next to him. He had this vivid vision weave a tale of her rolling in slow motion from their bed to the floor. He remembered seeing her start to fall, she did this often amongst their nights and dreams. The precurssor to her sleep enduced leap to the cold tile floor was a motionless shifting he often refered to as the wiggle. She would start with her tushy, and then her thighs, followed by a slight shifting of her feet, overlapping them. That's when he knew Ella was about to roll sharply to her awaken. She always asked and he never told her, but that's how he knew how to catch her. She would open her eyes just as she began to leave the bed, and his arm would embrace her waist, holding her from the nights surprise. She would always roll back over and snuggle with him fresh afterward, comforted by the fact that he knew she was about to fall off the bed in her sleep. Her, the embreyo of his care, aware and patient to the needs of who he loved. There are moments that we all feel alive. These moments belonged to Ella and her other. He likes these types of dreams. They help him remember what life was like when things made sense. Sense. Oh, where have you gone? To argue for a decimation of man for profitable war, unfearing the wrath of universal law, proves sense has abandoned mankind long before we bound the earth and it bound us. He did not make it this way, this man thought. It was not his choice. But I am bound to this rock near the sun as are you. And a breath is all it would take to remove your binds. If mother earth sneezed you'd b... ... middle of paper ... ...ed after and before him. She spoke again. A stark reality, if I may say so? He stared up at her. What is that? Dr. Morena Ellin had a way. She seemed to move forward without taking a step. Her words were wise absurdity, clever and nonsensed. You are one of the few who has inherited the Earth. This sank in. How many people are left? That we know of, half a million. Probably less. She started for the door. I'll see you tomorrow for your checkup. Someone should be by in a bit to help get you situated here and get you a meal. That's assuming you don't degenerate on us and turn into a combustible pile of burning flesh in the next few hours. He considered himself a funny man when alive before, but considering the circumstances he did not find this funny. She turned as she exited the door. Read up. Your history is awaiting.

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