Essay On Sleep Cycle

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Sleep Cycle Response
The four stages of sleep are REM (rapid eye movement sleep), NREM1 (non-rem), NREM2, and NREM3. During the REM stage “your heart rate rises, your breathing becomes rapid and irregular, and every half-minute or so your eyes dart around in momentary burst of activity behind closed lids” (Myers, 2014, p. 96).
In stage one (NREM-1) your brain begins to relax producing slower brain waves while you are still awake and as you are not quite sleep yet, you experience what is called “hypnagogic sensations or hallucinations”. During this time, a person may feel like they are falling or hear what sounds like someone calling their name. This is something that I cannot recall, all I know is it is lights out. I tape recorded myself …show more content…

The test results were normal and the recorded long periods of silence and every now and then movement, a cough, maybe a little snore but that was all. At any rate, stage 2 (NREM-2) of the sleep cycle produces what is known as sleep spindles or bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain-wave activity which lasts about twenty minutes. As your heart rate begins to slow down and your body temperature drops you transition into a deeper sleep and this is stage 3 (NREM-3) of the sleep cycle. Slower brain waves or delta waves occur and a person becomes less responsive to any activity around them, such as noise. The person becomes like that of a dead person or at least that is what my Uncle Herbert would say. He told me I sleep like I am dead. He said he pinched me and hollered at me and I still would not wake up.
It amazes me that the whole time I was in Vietnam, I got very little sleep especially when I was in the field and it did not seem to be deep sleep. But when I came home I could sleep undisturbed by lightning storms or loud noises. In stage 3 of sleep, a person is in a very deep sleep and in this stage people have been known to sleep walk or wet the bed. I remember those embarrassing days as a

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