Short Story Seventh Grade

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To have complete and thorough knowledge of who someone truly is, is quite similar to being present in their mind at all times, experiencing and comprehending every passing thought which they have. Digging through the masses of thoughts which are embedded within the layers in their brain. Having through knowledge of someone means to know their deepest and innermost thoughts at all times. Knowing someone to the fullest extent is quite comparable to understanding their thoughts and emotions which they may not necessarily choose to voluntarily share with others. The short story Seventh Grade portrayed the struggle of thinking that you truly do know someone to the greatest level. This short story depicted the experiences of Victor, a young adolescent …show more content…

Although we may not realize it, we often times have the sincere belief that we truly do know someone, simply by looking at them. By looking at them, and viewing their external attributes, such as the way that they dress and look, we assume that we know who they really are. However, truly knowing someone goes beyond what they look like on the outside. Victor’s instant judging of Teresa is portrayed when he communicates to the reader, “She was cute. And good at math too” (Soto 1). Victor genuinely thinks that he knows Teresa, and therefore likes her. However, he does not really know who she is as a person. He simply thinks that he knows who she is based off of observing the way she looks and acts. By making the common mistake of judging one’s external attributes, we automatically make the assumption that we know who they are. This common misconception causes for people to no longer try to get to know someone better, because they feel as if they already accurately know who they are. Victor’s judging of Teresa lead him to falsely believe that he knew her and loved her. Due to this, he no longer feels the need to get to sincerely know who she is, because he feels as if her external features define her, and give him an authentic view of who she is. Although we may not realize it, as humans, we often times make assumptions and judge others by the …show more content…

In today’s society, simply meeting someone and getting to know their name, is enough for us to declare that we know them. Having knowledge of who someone is goes beyond basic communication with that person. Having knowledge about someone is about having authentic information and facts about their traits, along with being familiar with all parts of their personality. The task of truly knowing someone is indeed one that most are not able to achieve. Not only do we have to deeply communicate genuine information with others, but we also have to be willing to go beyond the looks to know someone in great depth. However, this being said, knowing someone to the fullest extent may be beyond our capability. After all having knowledge about somone is not necessarily possible. In certain cases, aspects of one’s true character may never be revealed to someone sels, limiting how well we can really know them. At times, they may not feel the need to show certain parts of who they are if they are never put into that situation. To thoroughly and concisely know someone, is beyond one's’ true control. However, we do have the capability to make the joint effort to try to get to know someone else better by deeply choosing to communicate our thoughts and feelings with them them, which at times, we may decide to shield from

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