Sesame Street: Effect On Children's Development

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Sesame Street has an effect on children's development. Their academics become strongly improved through the different sequences of learning activities that Sesame Street provides within the television program. Sesame Street shows a variety of learning programs that deal with numbers,shapes,colours,letters,etc. The cognition part of Sesame Street teaches children how to be interactive, how to compromise and introduce them to new material. Emotional development can be shown in Sesame Street's online gaming and through their songs and also part of their television showing. With these 3 aspects of Sesame Street, children can get just about the same education as a child would in preschool. The television show for children called “Sesame Street” has an effect on children through their academics, their cognition development and their emotional development. …show more content…

Academics falls right behind that as they start getting assessed on what they are doing in school. Studies show that when students are watching Sesame Street as a child, they are entering preschool with basic knowledge to start school with. As research has shown that “Sesame Street's academic effects persisted for some tune after that, increasing the likelihood that kids were ready for school and advanced through their education rates.” With watching Sesame Street, children can enter school having previous knowledge in subjects they will be taking up in school with the academics start, cognition development and 44

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