Serotonin Essay

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3. Various Benefits of Serotonin Basically, serotonin levels will provide various benefits regarded to health and mental. It is also called feel good chemical which will apply benefits to both biological and psychological functions. Most of this supplement’s application is found primarily in digestive tract and blood plates. Only small amount of this supplement will be served for its purpose in central nervous systems and brains. If users says that they are in way to achieve serotonin levels, then it is clearly understood that the small percentage will exists in the brain. It is capable of delivering various benefits regarding to mental function and maintenance of serotonin levels of the brain. The neurotransmitter has various things to do …show more content…

In order to increase the level of serotonin, you should eat Tryptophan rich foods like tuna, salmon, dairy products, nuts and etc. At second step, you should get outside of the sunlight and absorb Vitamin D. Sun is considered to be best source for Vitamin D. Serotonin production is mainly based on availability of vitamin. It is a component of protein and which human will eat normal diet consume in significant amounts. One will increased with his weight by eating more carbohydrates. This serotonin will be helpful to promote happiness, relaxation and sleep. It is sometimes known as happy neurotransmitter. If there are any deficiencies in molecule, it will lead to depression. Individuals who are feeling difficult to sleep cannot try glass of warm milk before bed. There is some speculation that the popular thanks giving day coma where people will feel tired after a big meal. It is a kind of hormone which helps people to feel relaxed and contented. Similar to many hormones and brain chemicals, serotonin is having role in optimizing the concentrations. It is formed by the acid named tryptophan. It will work to make one to feel sleepy. Serotonin inside our body helps in increasing the ability of being relaxed, happy, confident and calm. It can regulate the memory and temperature. Apart from internal health, it will also help in the external health like with skin. It can be said as boon to the skin. Another name feel

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