Self Confidence

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2.6 Self-confidence The word of confidence has originated from the Italian word fiducia that is related to the word fido and to the Greek word peitho (Rotenstreich, 1972, p. 348). Fido means faithfulness, and peitho means persuasion (Rotenstreich, 1972). Rotenstreich (1972, p. 348) has determined self-confidence is “a reliance stemming from persuasion or accompanied by it,” Benabou and Tirole (2002) defined self-confidence as the attitude of people individuals. Various literatures reported self-confidence is associated to risk predilection and uncertainty (Chuang et al., 2013; Dodd et al., 2005). It overall refers to belief in people’s own capability to perform (Clark et al., 2008). There exist two forms of self-confidence: specific self-confidence …show more content…

30). In 2001, Bearden et al. affirm that self-confidence is correlated with people’s behaviors and their decisions in general. Individuals who have solid self-confidence express high level of self-esteem, self-regard and more sense of pride to themselves (Chuang et al., 2013). Their tendency is more optimistic in most of circumstances (Rosenberg, 1979) and when they are facing complicated situations, self-confidence plays an important role in supporting their decisions (Bearden et al, 2001). The characteristics of self-confidence indicated by White (2009) are trusted in positive accomplishment (self-assertion and optimism), persistence (endurance, flexibility, goal setting and anticipation) and self-awareness (judgment, intrinsic part and worries). On the other hand, the low level of self-confidence will make people feel pessimistic and less self-respect, they can only view their inappropriateness, imperfection and valuelessness (Rosenberg, 1979). Some researchers determine the determinants of self-confidence as precise knowledge and self-efficacy (De Cremer & Van Hiel; 2008). Self-confidence is not an inborn attribute, it can be shaped and progressed through the experiences of figuring out how to encounter with the …show more content…

According to the researches, extrovert people are outgoing, optimistic, friendly, excited, joyful and dynamic (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Other researches (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Komarraju et al., 2011) define extrovert characteristics referring to being dynamic, talkative, agreeable and affirmative. Likewise, numerous different researchers found that extrovert people are of positive and enthusiastic qualities (Diener & Seligman, 2002). In addition, according to Nyhus and Pons (2012), extroverts are highly assertive, unreserved, energizing and having certain advantages such as great correspondence amongst employees and their associates give better input and support that inferentially lessens work-related anxiety and help employees achieve their job results. (Totterdell, Wood & Wall,

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