Sample Data Analysis Paper

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Student-Athlete GPA Out of Season – Data Analysis Process

Once the student-athletes were deemed eligible for this study, the in-season GPA was analyzed accordingly. Using the list of eligible student-athletes (see table 1 above), the list of quarterly GPA’s for each of the student-athletes (see table 2) were matched up with the athletic seasons in which each student-athlete did not participate in. For example, if a student-athlete did not participate in football and basketball, but did participate in baseball, the 1st and 2nd quarter GPA’s would be considered out-of-season GPA’s, and the 3rd and 4th quarter GPA’s would be considered in-season. Once the quarterly GPA’s were identified as out-of-season GPA’s, the average was calculated and that value was considered the out-of-season GPA for that particular student-athlete. This process was repeated for each student-athlete in this study.

Statistical Significance Procedure

To obtain a statistical analysis of the data, a one-way t-test, with a confidence interval of 95% was …show more content…

The purpose of this research, is to develop strategies that will assist student-athletes academically out of season. To participate you will only need to fill out the online survey. There will be complete privacy of the information you supply, because your name will never be used or associated with the project. You are free to choose to participate or not participate, and you may stop your participation at any time. Whether you participate or not will have no detrimental effect on your performance in this class. By completing this online survey, you are giving your consent to participate in the project and you are certifying that you are over 18 years old. If you are under 18 years old, parent consent is required. You and your parent, or legal guardian, both must sign this form before you are able to participate in this

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