Sacrifice In Middle School

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As kids go through life and start to become self aware they will start making decisions on their own and will start to make sacrifices. In there early stages of life there sacrifices would include little things such as sacrificing a crayon for an ball or something like that or sacrificing snack time for extra recess time. But as they get older they will have to start making bigger sacrifices and bigger decisions for themselves and for others as well. For example, in middle school if they are struggling in one of their classes they will have to sacrifice their lunch time for getting help. This is a big sacrifice for someone in middle school because most kids only think about is spending time with their friends. Sacrifices also apply to grown ups or parents as well. Adults make sacrifices every day. Some you don't really realize as much. An example would be the men and women who serve our country. They put their lives on the line to help keep our country safe and that's a really big sacrifice. Mothers sometimes have to stay home from work to take care of their kids because they don't feel good this means they are missing a day of getting paid for their kids and this is a big sacrifice too, because when they don't get paid then that's less money that they have to provide for their kids and for their family. …show more content…

For example, deciding whether to stay back home and study for a test or to go out and hang out with your friends. people can make either good sacrifices or bad sacrifices. If he decides to sacrifice his time with his friends to study for a upcoming test, then he is making a good sacrifice. If he decides to hang out with his friends rather than study for a test, then he is making a bad

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