The Values Of Harriet Tubman 'In Night' By Elie Wiesel

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Empty Ourselves... “ A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves.” ~Mother Teresa. Servicemen like firefighters, police officers, and military personnel sacrifice their lives every single day. Harriet Tubman made over a dozen trips to the South to help free slaves. Moche’ from the novel Night, went back to his home to warn his friends and family about what was about to happen to them. However, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice. How much do people sacrifice? These people risk their lives, freedom, and safety. Not everyone is a selfish person, people like to help other people. That’s just humanity. Moche’ from the Holocaust novel, Night by Elie Wiesel, risked his life and freedom to try and warn his family and friends. “ I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.”~Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman sacrificed her life and freedom as well. She organized the Underground Railroad, and freed hundreds of slaves. As if the journey wasn’t difficult enough,stated by the book, Who Was Harriet Tubman, “But the trip was even more dangerous after 1850. That was because the Fugitive Slave Law had been passed.”(pg.56) The Fugitive Slave Law meant that runaway slaves who made it to the free states had to be sent back to their masters. People were allowed to beat the slaves and sell them back into the South too. Even though the situation was tough, Harriet Tubman never gave up on what she thought was A time to remember those who died, those who served, and those who carry on.” ~Unknown. Servicemen make sacrifices daily. During 9/11, the Manhattan firefighters were responding to a gas leak when they heard the explosion from one of the twin towers. Policemen and firefighters from all around New York and surrounding areas came to help rescue the victims. They searched through rubbish and raced with time to check the buildings before and after the buildings collapsed. There were clouds of smoke, dust, and debris flying through the streets; blinding the bystanders. Hundreds of servicemen died that day, including military personnel in the Pentagon who were also hit by the hijackers. I had a cousin named Johnnie Doctor Jr who was in the Navy. He was killed in the Pentagon. I never got to know him, but from what I heard he was a great person to be

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