Effects Of Spoiling Your Children

1161 Words3 Pages

Jessica Smith
M/W/F 9-9:50
November 2015
Spoiling Your Children: The Long-term Effects Parents have the sincere desire to simply raise their child the best way they can. Fulfilling this and figuring out what they think is the “right” way to go about parenting is a great responsibility. Balancing a child’s needs, morals, values and discipline gets tricky when a parent’s initial instinct is to provide them with everything possible. This is not going to say that a parent should never treat their child, but rather pay attention to how often they are doing so. However, the act of spoiling another is to harm their character by being too lenient. Teaching kids self-reliance is desirable for not only them but society as well. A licensed …show more content…

More often than not children who receive an unnecessary amount of pampering lack certain skills that become more apparent as they grow older. These skills consist of not learning to solve their own problems and to successfully handle the harsh demands of adulthood on their own. They can become overly dependent on their parents and other loved ones in their life. This overly reliant behavior can cause them to struggle providing happiness for themselves as adults. A study done by Connie Dawson and David J. Bredehoft shows that college age students who were spoiled as children are more likely to associate being alone with being unhappy. They will find the origin of their happiness to come from other …show more content…

Aristotle teaches to strike a balance, or to hit a mean between any extremes in behavior, thought and action. Applying this to parenting means that they should not go overboard with spoiling nor should they under indulge their child. A “happy medium” should be met which leads to the best result. The child should be taught both the principles of intellectual and moral virtue, which becomes a habit after much practice. They will learn to make choices that are right and fair, not for selfish reasons, but merely because they understand that it is the right thing to do. Rather than living their life with extremes they would have found a “middle ground” in their life that helps achieve a balance. This would greatly aid in deterring children from the spoiled

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