Rose O Neale's Influence On American

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“I had a right to my own political opinions. I am a southern woman born with revolutionary blood in my veins. Freedom of speech and thought were my birthright guaranteed signed and sealed by the blood of our fathers.”-Rose O’Neal Greenhow Rose O’Neal Greenhow was a confederate spy in American History. She got information to the confederates that impacted Americans during the Civil War by using her ample charm and guile to pass along to confederates, official information on to the defenses of George Washington and union. Today Rose O’Neal Greenhow accomplishments impact Americans because she proved that women could do just as good as a man in the military. The Civil War started because of the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the National Government to prohibit slavery in the territories. Rose easily moved in the social circles of the National Capital. O’Neal was considered beautiful, educated, loyal, compassionate, and refined. When she was young she moved in with her aunt in her boarding …show more content…

Buauregard was able to concentrate his forces in time to meet and defeat the union forces at the first battle of Manassas (bull run). Rose was most celebrated female spy in history. Maria Rosetta O’Neale (original name) helped end the civil war when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant and the north won. She was known as “Rebel Rose”. She proved that women could do just as good as a man in the military. The civil war began because of the uncompromising differences between states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories. Rose O’Neal Greenhow an educated, loyal, compassionate and refined american who was a confederate spy whose social position and her judgment cloaked her secret information was for the south during the civil war in american history who helped end the civil war and slavery in

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