Rose Maxson As A Tragic Hero In Fences, By August Wilson

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Ancient Greece tragedy has been evolved from festivals that has been honored for Zeus. It was derived from wine and fertility that evolved into tragedy. A tragic hero is somebody that has catharsis, suffering, and nobility. A character that has catharsis is somebody that feels sympathy for another character or for themselves. When somebody is suffering they are going through rough times and blame people for the mental and physical feeling they have. When somebody is noble they play an important role and has a special talent. In fences, the time period is the late 1950s which could give the illusion that certain things are still happening. August Wilson portrays the main character Rose Maxson to be a tragic hero. Rose Maxson is a woman who …show more content…

Creon felt sympathy when he realizes that his wife killed himself following the death of his own child, and Rose feel sympathy for the baby that Troy has from another women. Rose says, “ Okay,’re right. I’ll take care of your baby for you say...she’s innocent...and you can’t visit the sins of the father upon the child. A motherless child has got a hard time. (She takes the baby from him.) From right now...this child has a mother,” (Wilson, 38). Rose feels bad that the baby will have to grow up without having a mother figure, so she steps up in return. I feel like Rose became the bigger person just like Antigone became the bigger person when she didn’t let the king just disrespect her brother so she stepped up and let her dead brother soul be in peace. They are both strong …show more content…

“: You hungry, Gabe? I was just fixing to cook Troy his breakfast,” (Wilson, 14). Rose understands her role in society as a woman. Rose also have another special talent as a woman, that many don’t have which is being powerful. Rose understands that some things she can’t change so she just maneuver herself to where she is comfortable so she won’t have to change her lifestyle. Many women today do not know how to be strong sp they just move on or stay in a place where they are stuck and unable to live their own life. “: I done tried to be everything a wife should be. Everything a wife could be. Been married eighteen years and I got to live to see the day you tell me you been seeing another woman and done fathered a child by her,”(Wilson, 33). The author wants us to understand the many things women at the time had to deal with whether it was racial or it was personal issues. Rose portrays the powerful women who won’t just stand for the

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