Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Since the beginning of human interactions, love has always entranced human beings. The fervent bond it forms between people and its enchanting aura has humbled even the mightiest of men. But what is love exactly? No man can ever explain this wonder, yet no one can live without it. Love is a complex mixture of emotions, feelings, and sensations. One of the main characteristics of love-passion-is explored in the Collection stories Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and Thisbe, and Duty. In Romeo and Juliet, playwright William Shakespeare takes love to a new extreme. Many of his characters are shrouded by an immense passion for someone else. Romeo and Juliet's sense of judgment is clouded by their infatuation towards each other. For instance when the …show more content…

She also regretted being angry at Romeo for killing her cousin. Juliet loved Romeo to such an extent that even when Romeo commits a grave sin and kills a person from her family, she still loves him uncontrollably. Another example of this immense passion is when Romeo poisons himself after mistakenly presuming Juliet's death. As a result, Juliet became very upset and stabs herself out of love for him. Both of these characters killed themselves out of their intense devotion, feeling as if they could not live without each other. Pyramus and Thisbe, a myth retold by Ovid and translated by Allen Mandelbaum, vividly illustrates a story similar to Romeo and Juliet. Both of the main protagonists, Pyramus and Thisbe, share a tremendous amount of love for each other and are ready to die for each other. As Thisbe mentions "Dear boy, you died by your own hand: your love has killed you. But I, too. Command the force to face at least this task; I can claim love, and it will give me strength enough to strike myself. I'll follow you in death…" (Ovid 287). Pyramus kills himself after mistakenly presuming Thisbe's death. After seeing Pyramus's dead body, Thisbe gathers the courage to commit suicide in order to join Pyramus. These two "star-crossed lovers" suffer a fate similar to that of Romeo and Juliet, blinded by their own love for each

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