Romeo And Juliet Free Will Essay

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Romeo and Juliet is a symbolic tragedy that shows numerous examples of how people can perish under their own free will. Romeo and Juliet, the kin of two rival families fall in love. Numerous problems arise with their unspoken love, and Romeo and Juliet struggle to solve these looming problems. Through their struggles, they continue making poor decisions and dig themselves into a hole that was impossible to escape. Eventually, they both end up dying due to their mistakes. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the lovers are victims of their own free will due to making risky, impulsive decisions fueled by young love and rage.
Romeo’s rash decisions, caused him to die from his mistakes. Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is faced with countless choices that come to determine how his life plays out. After countless mistakes of choosing to do the wrong thing, Romeo meets his death. It all starts with Romeo saying “On, lusty gentlemen” (1.4.120) to Mercutio and Benvolio when he decides to go to Juliet’s party. Despite …show more content…

The young lovers rush to seal their love and hardly second guess this decision. When Romeo and Juliet meet, they know that they are from rival families and that their love will cause many problems to arise. But, instead of trying to figure out solutions, Juliet almost immediately says “Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow” (2.2.151) to Romeo. This is Juliet basically saying that she will marry Romeo even though they met only a few hours ago. Certainly they should have been more cautious about progressing in their relationship. Friar Lawrence even warns them “They stumble that run fast.” (2.3.94) and to slow down their relationship. But, the lovers have other plans and decide to get married which makes the chances of them ever having a legitimate, transparent relationship. They are not being forced to rush the relationship, but they do anyways because of free

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