Roman Art Legacy

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The term Roman art immediately calls to mind, classic architecture complete with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns along with perfect white busts of the important woman and mostly men from this era. But Roman art incorporated much more. In fact Roman people gave an artistic touch into almost everything that they made including coinage, building walls, sculpture, metal work and jewelry. The bulk of the Roman artistic legacy that we know today was created between 509 BCE and 27 BCE.
The interesting thing about Roman art was that theses artists were quite open to new ideas and influences from different cultures and empires. Early Roman art drew from early Etruscan art. Etruscans were the powerful people from Tuscany, north of Rome. Firm believers …show more content…

An example of this would be the Etruscans built life like sculptures on top of their sarcophaguses where Romans constructed the realistic sculpture for the deceased in an honored way portraying them as a young warrior with an elder mind and face.
Romans were skilled with clay sculpting and bronze work; they also had a preference for realistic portraiture. Romans drew heavily from Greek styles but there was one thing that set the two styles apart. Even though Greek art became more realistic as time went on, Greeks overall, preferred their subjects highly idealized. This meant that even with a subject with a double chin or crossed eyes would be represented in his sculpture as beautiful. As a result it was pretty …show more content…

By the middle of the first century the first concrete revolution had occurred in Rome. The discovery of concrete construction of arches and domes possible. The most famous architectural elements Ancient Rome is known for: our decorative columns, arched aqueducts, bridges, public baths and expansive domes, the pantheon features one of the most impressive domes in Rome. Hadrian commissioned the Pantheon, to honor all Roman gods. This dome was constructed with concrete and measures 142 feet in diameter. The opening at the center of the dome is called the oculus. The oculus illuminated the marble interior of the Pantheon at the same time directing attention upwards towards the heavens. The Pantheon’s heaviest material is located at the base while the lighter materials were used towards the top of its base and

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