Richard Kuklinski: A Person With Antisocial Personality Disorder

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Your essay was very well written and very informative. I like how you were specific about antisocial personality disorder and how you went in depth as to why they might not have remorse of sympathy for others. I also like fact that you brought up a thought to the reader when you said, “another thing to notice is how hard it would be to befriend a person with antisocial personality disorder”. I a way this statement would make anyone think about the danger that they would be exposed to but at the same time it creates awareness of who to be precautious of and who deserves professional help. You mentioned that someone with antisocial personality disorder show symptoms and patterns of misbehavior and they often lack moral conscience because of the …show more content…

His behavior was a result of his childhood, his father was an alcoholic who was very abusive towards him. Richard Kuklinski was a serial killer and a mafia hitman who showed no sympathy for others. The decision to kill people came to him like a breeze and he really showed no remorse after it. He told the story of how he first joined the mafia and was told to kill an innocent man that was walking his dog outside. He simply shot him, and shockingly he said he did it without having to think about it twice. He tortured animals, specifically cats and he seemed to enjoy it. Dr. Lamorte only showed a very brief clip of his interview, but I personally have seen the entire film for one of my other classes and one think that really stood out to me is how he seems so confident in his explanations when asked how many people he has murdered. Not only does he describe how he kills people, but there was an occasion where he laughed and joked about it. He claimed to have killed over 100 people, which shows the magnitude of his abnormal actions. I feel that his case was a lot more serious because he was more like a sociopath. A sociopath is someone who has a lack of

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