Analysis Of Jeffrey Dahmer

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Jeffrey Dahmer was a notorious serial killer known for his sadistic techniques he inflicted upon his victims as well as his violent actions he had towards animals as a young teen. At the age of 14, young Jeffrey Dahmer had claimed that his desire towards necrophilia and violence had started to appear possibly due to the breakdown of his parents marriage or even because of the constant moving that him and his family had done during his adolescent years. Eventually, Dahmer’s early psychological trauma would affect him to the point where he would succumb to excessive alcohol consumption and the infliction of vicious attacks towards all 17 of his victims. During an interview conducted by Nancy Glass, an American television and radio host, producer and writer, Dahmer revealed how sorry he was for his crimes (“Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks”). However, although Dahmer claims he felt remorse, it’s important to ask yourself “ How sorry was he?”. Jeffrey Dahmer was a psychopath; a psychopath, in summary, is a person who lacks a conscience and tends to use manipulation or reckless behavior to obtain what they want. With this being said, Dahmer has lied consistently throughout his life which makes anything he has …show more content…

His father, Lionel Dahmer, an American chemist, assumed it was because his son might have had an interest in archaeology. Also, due to Dahmer being an introvert, his father was content with any interest his son had towards things that would essentially make young Dahmer excited or happy. As a result, when Dahmer would ask questions about cleaning bones, his father would go into great detail about bleaching, as Lionel was a chemist, and withheld any suspicions towards his sons inquisitions. However, in reality, young Jeffrey Dahmer was actually creating a small cemetery of all the carcasses he found on the road and killed rather than just being interested in archaeology like his father had

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