Rhetorical Devices In Hamlet's Soliloquy

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King Claudius exits the play while the scene of his brothers death is being reenacted. Guildenstern and Rosencrantz talk to Hamlet afterward explaining that the King is upset and that his mother has sent for him. Polonius also enters at the end of the scene to reiterate to Hamlet that his mother, the queen, wants to speak to him. This passage is Hamlet’s soliloquy before speaking to his mother. Hamlet is discussing his plan regarding how he’s going to speak with his mother after he confirmed King Claudius is guilty to murder by his action of exiting the play. Hamlet uses a simile to compare the way he wants to speak to his mother to a dagger, “ I will speak daggers to her but use none” (3.2.429). Even though Hamlet will not be doing physical

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