Rhetorical Analysis On Louis Farrakhan

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Louis Farrakhan is the Muslim leader of the Nation Of Islam, headquartered in Chicago. Farrakhan has made it clear that the Nation Of Islam wants to see the United States of America literally become a "nation of Islam."

Paraphrasing a speech given by Farrakhan at the Nation Of Islam Headquarters:

FARRAKHAN: Whites have oppressed blacks for hundreds of years, and a reckoning is due for the iniquities of their [the whites'] fathers. Although their fathers are long gone and dead, they are doing the same things. The police shootings of Tamir Rice and Michael Brown are even more evidence of the continued oppression perpetrated by white people against black people!

ME: You "forgot" to mention that Michael Brown was physically attacking the officer …show more content…

You NEED them; they are your allies, your "tools". They are a small bunch of bad apples, and you take your place on top of the bunch.

ME: Who are YOU to criticize US, while your OWN culture and religion are responsible for an astronomical number of deaths, mass murders, destruction, and violence amongst yourselves? You people had better clean your OWN house before even thinking about criticizing OUR house. OUR house is much, MUCH cleaner than yours.

ME: Your speech is a laughingly lame effort to stir up anti-white and anti-West feelings among blacks in the military and entice them to desert in the hope that it will compromise our military forces. Hillary Clinton would easily classify your speech as "a recruitment tool for ISIS" -- one of her famous quotes that is spreading among the Dems and the Libs like an infestation. But she would NEVER DARE mention any hate speech coming out of the Nation Of Islam; she only wants to tell US, instead, to watch what WE do and what WE say about Muslims and Islam.

ME: Yep, it's such a SHAME how bad we're still oppressing blacks -- according to YOU, that

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