Islamophobia Essay

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Alexander Riedl
Prof. Jeremy Land HIS 2110
15 November 2017
“Islamophobia in The United States”
Why does Islamophobia even exist in the U.S? When talking about a concept such as “Islamophobia,” you must understand the meaning of the term. “Islamophobia” is bias and or victimization of Muslims based on their religious, national, or ethnic personal connection with Islam. Like anti-Semitism, prejudice and homophobia, Islamophobia portrays attitudes and unreliable views that disparage a whole class of individuals backed by pre-conceived notions and fear. This, however, is nothing new to the world. Jews, African-Americans, different races and religion all through history have confronted bias and separation as a result of their culture or identity.
“Even without incidents of violence, mass media stroke fears of terrorism by reporting hugely inflated estimates of alleged threats” (Kurzman 15). This also relates to the United States and how they used film and media to put fear into the community during World War II. CNN’s senior media correspondent Brian Stelter covered this topic on a debate segment of -Red News Blue News titled “Does the Media Promote Islamophobia”. Stelter begins the segment by touching on how Islam is manifested in the media to cause exaggerated fear and hostility toward Muslims, perpetuated by negative stereotypes. He gives different examples of this. For instance, Tom Shillue (stand-up comedian) stating on Fox’s The Five that if there is a moderate Muslim voice “out there” now is the time to speak up and Sean Hannity calling a “Jihad rising worldwide”. This not only shows how one with no credentials can input their outlandish views on a national platform, but also displays an exaggeration of the problem being discussed. Later in the segment, guest co-host Brigitte Gabriel is introduced to soon give a false statistic that 25% of all Muslims are radicalized, once more proving the buffoonery being fed by present day
While widely accepted, this idea continues to remain un-true. Humanitarian and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) council member Omar Alnatour discusses this in a Huffington Post article titled “Muslims Are Not Terrorists: A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam”. Alnatour gives five examples of how Muslims are not terrorists. “1. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States:” from 1980 to 2005, only six percent of all terror attacks committed in the United States have been by Muslims. This shows that it is nine times more likely that a terror attack would be committed by a non-Muslim. “2. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in Europe:” of the 1000+ terror attacks that have happened in Europe since 2011, only 2% were done by Muslims. “3. Even if all terrorist attacks were carried out by Muslims, you still could not associate terrorism with Islam:” going back from 1970 to present day, there have been around 140,000 terrorists worldwide. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims, that number would only represent 0.00009 percent of them. “4. If all Muslims are terrorists, then all Muslims are peacemakers:” Out of the past 12 Nobel Peace Prize winners 5 have been Muslim (42 percent). Because some can claim all Muslims are terrorists due to a small percentage of attackers happening to be, one can also make the argument that all Muslims

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