Rhetorical Analysis Of The Article 'Kindergartenper'

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Maryclaire Dale’s article “Kindergarten kidnapper tells girl, ‘I’m not a monster’”, appears in the Bucks County Courier Times and it tells the people of Bucks County how a woman kidnapped a kindergartener from school. In Philadelphia during January of 2013, a girl was taken from her kindergarten classroom and “sexually tortured during a bizarre overnight ordeal.” The girl was an 8-year-old and she had been abducted by “former day care worker Christina Regusters”, who was 22 years old. Christina was sentenced to 40 years to life. The judge called the crime, “a horror show” because the 8-year-old girl was found “shivering under playground equipment” half naked. Christina took full responsibility for what happened and as she was charged with “kidnapping, sexual assault and other charges” …show more content…

Maryclaire gave a lot of details about how the girl was abducted and she explained what happened to the kidnapper. When Christina Regusters kidnapped the girl, “she posed as three different people to trick the blindfolded child into thinking a man committed the sexual assault.” She took full responsibility for what she did, so she “did not testify at trial.” She also did not report that anyone else was involved. Also, Maryclaire described how the judge thought of it as, “a horror show, being taken away from a parent, stripped naked, placed under a bed and tortured.” No child should have to go through this. In the article, it gave a brief background on the kidnapper which is also a strength. Christina told a psychiatrist that, “she had been abused and neglected as a child and raped during a 2012 home invasion.” The only weakness this article had was not giving enough information as to why Christina Regusters did this to the 8-year-old girl. Also, there was not a lot of information stating if the kidnapper already knew the 8-year-old prior to the kidnapping and why she chose this little girl out of everyone else in the

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