A Fatal Grace: The Mcmartin Preschool Abuse Case

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“There are generally three parties to child abuse: the abused, the abuser and the bystander,” according to Louise Penny, author of A Fatal Grace. In this case, however, there was no bystander. That is the reason that this case’s verdict was so hard to reach. Seven years and $15 million later, that verdict was reached. It was the influenced words of the children versus the words of the accused. (The McMartin Preschool Abuse Trials: A Commentary, Douglas Linder) In late 1983, a call was placed by a parent, Judy Johnson, of a 2 and a half year-old attendee of McMartin Preschool. This worried woman stated that her son had been molested by 25-year-old, school aide and son of the owner, Ray Buckey. After this incident was reported, a letter was

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