Rewarding With A Music Degree

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5 Rewarding Careers to Explore With a Music Degree
While many people dream of becoming a musician, most people assume there are limited career options. However, there are actually many exciting jobs available to music degree graduates. Below introduces five rewarding careers available to those with a music degree.
App and Software Development
As smart phones and tablets become as universal as laptops, the need for music apps and software is steadily growing. For example, there are apps that allow users to not only create and mix music, but also act as a DJ. In addition to this, there are complex software programs that teach students how to play instruments through tutorials and electric sheet music. Music degree graduates, who are passionate …show more content…

Most music educators work in public or private schools teaching students music history, theory and how to play instruments. Helping students understand and embrace music will increase their self-confidence, cognitive functioning and spatial-temporal skills.
Freelance Musician
While most musicians prefer a stable job as an accompanist or performer, being a freelance musician offers freedom and flexibility unmatched by other jobs. Freelance musicians enjoy a high level of control over their job choices, where they work and who they work for. Keep in mind that the price of independence are inconsistent schedules and large workloads. However, anyone can independently complete an online music program to become a freelance musician. For example, Kent State offers an online Master of Music. Learn more, here:

Radio Broadcasting
While mobile phone technology is revolutionizing how we access and listen to music, radio stations are here to stay. Radio careers include disc jockeying, announcing, programming and administrative support. Radio DJs enjoy sharing music, meeting famous musicians and working in a casual environment. Music degree graduates with a fun and passionate personality will excel in the radio broadcasting

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