Restaurant Research Report

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Executive Summary
This report will briefly contain the history of a fast food chain (Wimpy). It also provides information about the competitors and the competition in different parts of the industry. Most importantly it shows the different segments within the fast food industry where various big names battles with each other.
The problem definition and research objectives section explains the main problem that company faces. It also provides questions, which needs to be answered after conducting the research. Each restaurant is in competition with other food service operations within some geographical area.
The research design starts with the definition and explanation. Later on, it is split into parts of exploratory and conclusive research. Each part explains the use of one in the specific research.
Data analysis contains all the information about the findings of research. Every objective is analysed in order to find out how it can be improved. We have used conclusive research method and prepared questionnaires for the customers of the restaurant. Data from questionnaires was translated into SPSS program and used for further research.
After analysing the data, findings and recommendations were provided. It includes summary of main research, then the recommendation part for the management of the restaurant.
Background Section:
Wimpy is a medium size restaurant chain that is immersed in the Fast Food Restaurant Industry (Lee Green branch) where we can find companies that compete in different segments, where Burger, Sandwich, Snacks/Beverages, Chicken and Pizza are the most important. Each restaurant is in competition with other food service operations within certain geographical area. These quick service restaurants are highly c...

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...ical techniques for the approaches and the use of the IMB SPSS software to make the analysis.
Results from the Data Analysis
Remember that we are resolving the MRP: “Determine the consumers’ preferences and purchase intentions for a new Healthy Menu line to be introduced in Wimpy ́s restaurants”. For that we have defined 2 components of this MRP.
Component 1: What is the market share of the Fast Food Restaurant Industry?
The Hypothesis is that the market share determined with the analysis is similar of the one obtained in the exploratory secondary data study. For this we are going to use Frequency Distribution analysis to tabulate the variable 3a “when the last time that the customers went to each restaurant was” considering only the customers within the past 4 week of less, the other ones seem to be too far (more than 4 week to 3 months or more than 3 months ago).

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