Research Paper On The Plague

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The Plague The plague had a very tragic aftermath all over Europe. The plague wiped out over 100,000 people in the spread of it. The plague wasn’t something to mess with, it showed how it could kill people with in a matter of days. The plague was the start of a new epidemic. The disease was capable of taking out entire cities and even countries. The site confirmed that, “The plague once was a very deadly epidemic that started in Cenral Asia and spread all throughout the countries of Europe.” In the times that it spread the plague mostly killed anybody that got in the way of it. The plague was spread by any animal that had fleas.The author Joseph Byrne stated that, “The rats contracted the disease by getting it from other little creatures such as fleas, then the fleas would travel jumping onto other animals giving them the disease and eventually giving the people of Asia and through Europe the disease which ultimately had consequences.” During the time of the plague people didn’t know what to do, because they have never seen such a disease killing over thousands of people at a time. Also it didn’t help that the people had no …show more content…

What they thought would work was to lance the people which meant they would cut the bulbous that you contracted from the disease and at the time they would cut the bulbous and all the blood and infection from the wound would start to rush out and many people would die from the amounts of blood loss and the doctors had no explanation for this because, they thought they were trying to save the lives of many people. The story The Black Death suggested that, “The doctors would try to cut off the limbs of people like their fingers, arms, and legs to try and save them but, if you got bit on your back, neck, or stomach you were pretty much done for and the doctors couldn’t do anything for

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