Economic Impact Of The Black Plague

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The Bubonic Plague, or more commonly known as ‘The Black Death’ or ‘The Black Plague,’ was one of the most devastating and deadliest pandemics that humans have ever witnessed in the history of mankind. The disease spanned two continents in just a few years, marking every country between Western Europe all the way to China. During the reign of the plague, which is estimated to be the years between 1347-1352, it is estimated that “20 million people in Europe–almost one-third of the continent’s population” was killed off due to the plague. The Black Plague would change the course of European history since the plague knew no boundaries and inflicted its wrath upon the rich and the poor alike. As a result, not only did the plague have a devastating demographic impact which encountered a massive social disruption, but also, an economic and religious impact as well. To begin, as the plague …show more content…

In a letter from an Italian lawyer, Gabriele de’ Mussi, he speaks about the plague, saying, “thus almost everyone who had been in the East…fell victim [to the plague] …the Chinese, Indians, Persians…,” he then continues to name thirteen other groups of people that succumbed to the plague. Later in his letter, Mussi speaks about the results of the plague when it hit Western Europe, stating, “it was found that more than 70 percent of the people had died…The rest of Italy, Sicily, and Apulia and the neighboring regions…have been virtually emptied of inhabitants.” In another account, an unnamed resident of Britain summed up the plague by stating that, “…the plague killed indiscriminately, striking at rich and poor alike.” Countless numbers of firsthand accounts show that an “epidemic disease,” such as The Black Death, “were experienced indiscriminately by all social

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