Research Paper On Artemis Fowl

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Artemis's parents were gods like herself "Artemis and her brother Apollo were the children of Zeus and Leto" (Skidmore "Artemis"). Zeus's wife was not happy to hear of yet another of his numerous affairs "Hera was furious when she learned of Leto's pregnancy. Hera declared that Leto would not be able to give birth in any place the sun shone" (Gall 108). One legend tells of her birth "Carried on the wings of the south wind, Leto at last came to Ortygia, close to Delos, where she bore Artemis..."(Graves 55-56). After she was born, "Almost immediately after her birth, she helped her mother to cross the straits over to Delos, where she then delivered Apollo" (Leadbetter "Artemis"). An integral part of Artemis's personality is her many names. Her true name can be taken from the plant called Artemisia, "Artemisia is a plant genus that includes wormwood, mugwort, and sagebrush, among others. Many of the plants in this genus have white or silver hairs on their leaves, which are said to reflect moonlight" …show more content…

One such instance is that of Artemis Fowl, a book character "Artemis is a supremely intelligent child that considers any sign of humility as weakness, however, he is not quite yet the hardened criminal his father was before him so remains a likable and not completely ruthless character" (Lawler "Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer"). Another fictitious example is "Katniss Everdeen in...'The Hunger Games' trilogy; Lisbeth Salander is a darker side of the same spirit in Steig Larsson's 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'" (Shinoda Bolen "Artemis Archetype Arises in Modern Day Films, Books"). She is also represented in modern science. The Artemis chasma "is a vast circular region with a diameter of over 1500 miles" (Gall 113). Finally the "Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, the port of Athens, has some remarkable bigger-than-life size bronze statues of Artemis" (Regula "Fast Facts on

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