Athena Goddess Of Wisdom

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Athena was one of the twelve gods in Greek mythology that lived on Mount Olympus. She was the daughter of Zeus the ruler of all the gods and the god of the sky. Athena had many titles is Greek mythology but her two most influential were the goddess of war and the goddess of wisdom. Some of the stories that will be discussed in this paper have multiple versions to them depending on who is telling them or what culture is telling them.

The story of Athena’s birth is a very interesting one, as her birth like most from older pathos is not a normal birth story like todays births. Most of Athena’s birth stories state that she had no mother and only a father, Zeus. The story starts with two people, a God and a titan; we know them as Zeus and Metis. …show more content…

She is stil worshiped to this day by the Indian people. Her story is quite different from Athena’s, she was not the goddess of war and had nothing to do with violence. Instead she was also the goddess of knowledge helping people learn things such as the Alphabet. The Indian people hold a festival every year in her honor on the fifth day of spring in which the Hindu children are given their first lesson in reading and writing (Das).
Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of war. She is also entirely different from Athena as she is more of an evil goddess focused on war more than helping the people. “Her name is linguistically rooted to the Indo-European words mor – terror and rigan – queen.” (Shaw). She had the ability to shapeshift into a crow or a raven or be accompanied by them. There are many stories that are told in which she would strike fear into men in battle by flying over them shrieking indicating that their death was imminent.
As you can see Athena was a very important figure in Greek mythology. She was very close to the same person in some cultures and completely different person in others. Her influence on the people varies widely depending on which stories you read and from what culture they are

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