Relationship Between Victor And Tino's '

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Deciding not to stick up for Joey when Victor and Tino were picking on him was the significant choice that Paul made in Part 2. One of the reasons why Paul made this choice is because, Paul didn't think that Victor and Tino picking on Joey was that big of a deal. “‘ So what was that supposed to be? Some kind of initiation or something?’ ‘Yeah. Yeah, don't take it so seriously.That’s just Victor,’” (pg.142) This shows that Paul was telling Joey not to worry about Victor picking on him because, he didn't think it was a big deal. Obviously, Paul figured it was the first and only time that Victor and Tino would make fun of Joey so, Paul’s advice was to shake it off. Another reason why Paul made this decision is because, Paul did not want to get on Tino and Victor’s bad side. “‘Hey, Fisher Man, why’s this boy always following you around?’ I glanced at Joey. He was looking straight ahead. ‘I don't know Victor. Why don't you ask him?’” (pg. …show more content…

If Paul stuck up for Joey and talked back to Victor, Paul’s life at Tangerine would be terrible because, nobody wants to be on Victor’s bad side. So Paul forced Joey to engage, that way Paul could be with the “cool group” and not on Victor and Tino’s bad side. Lastly, an impact that this choice had on Paul is, now Joey and Paul’s friendship is not as close. “Joey was sulking pretty heavily in the back. I don't think he even heard her. We drove the rest of the way in silence,” (pg. 144). Now Joey is angry and upset that Paul didn't stick up for him. This leaves Joey wondering if Paul is a valuable friend and how long their friendship will last. This leaves tension between the two boys and puts their friendship at risk. To conclude, Paul made the choice of not sticking up for Joey because he didn't want to get on Tino and Victor’s bad side, and Paul didn't think it was a big deal. The impact this had is now Paul and Joey’s friendship is not as

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