Reflective Essay Prompting Strategies

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Instructions • First you need to make sure you gain the child’s attention. To gain Blake’s attention I uses 1, 2, 3, eyes on me. The instructions needs to be clear and given in a calm manner. Prompting strategy • I often give Blake an auditory prompt when it is time to pick up the toys. When I give him the time limit to clean up I also set the timers which is also a good visual for him. Graduated Guidance • I use graduated guidance when Blake is putting on his shoes and socks after naptime. I use verbal prompts and the hand-over-hand prompt to help him. I no longer need to help him with putting on his socks but I still need to provide assistance with putting on his shoes and tying them. Time Delay • I use time delay after Blake gets done …show more content…

I will throw all of the food he didn’t eat that is on his plate away, I will then put his plate, spoon, fork, and cup in the sink. Blake has to do the final step of throwing away his napkin into the trash and pushing in his chair. Consequence • With Blake I try to give as many positive consequences during the day that I can. I avoid giving him negative consequences as much as possible and ignore his bad behavior. When I see Blake doing something positive like sitting at story time quietly of keeping his hands to himself during lunch I give him a positive consequence and praise him for his good behavior. Positive and Differential Reinforcement • I give positive reinforcement throughout the day by providing high fives, thumbs up, and by giving Blake a hug and praising him. Blake also has a sticker chart that we use daily for his behavior. Corrective Feedback • Corrective feedback is provided most of the day for Blake when he is playing during free time. He often grabs toys from other kids and think it’s funny. I often have to remind him that another child was playing with it and that he needs to wait his

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