Reflective Essay On Nursing Philosophy

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Reflection on Nursing Philosophy In less than one week, at the age of 49, I will complete my Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing-living proof that hard work and determination pays off! Like so many of my fellow nursing students at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), anxiety and excitement fills my heart and mind as we venture off in new directions. Some new graduates will begin their first nursing job, while more seasoned nurses like myself will launch into new job opportunities, or advance our role in our nursing to the next level. The journey has been filled with joy, sacrifices, and challenges. Looking back, my only regret is not making this journey sooner. Professional nursing practices includes commitment to public service, autonomy, commitment to lifelong learning and education, and a belief that each person deserves to be treated with dignity and worth as outlined by the American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics (ANA, 2015). In accordance with the ANA’s Code of Ethics, my future two-year goal is to complete 100% of the curriculum in pursuit of a Master of Science in Nursing Management Program (MSN) from the University of Texas at Arlington by 2020. My commitment to lifelong learning over the next …show more content…

When my employer made it mandatory for all practicing nurses to obtain their BSN by 2020, I remember feeling overwhelmed that I would not be able to fit school in to my along with all of my other responsibilities. Sometimes the balance between work and school were challenging at the beginning, but I learned how to better manage my time. The courses, helped to expand my knowledge base and joy of learning in the MSN program at UTA. The nursing research course helped me to identify problems in practice, evaluate research studies and implement approved evidence-based research into practice (Grove, Gray & Burns,

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